Wow. with COVID-19, quarantine, school closures…this spring has really been something beyond imagining, hasn’t it?
For an introvert, social distancing and self-isolation isn’t a problem, but I am fortunate enough to have only cats to entertain, rather than children. I can’t imagine how difficult this time is for extroverted people, especially if you’re trying to work from home while keeping your kids occupied and on-task, school-wise.

Eustace Clarence Scrubb, my quarantine coworker
I’ve been wracking my brain for some way I could help people who are stuck at home in quarantine, and today I finally decided on a couple of free printables.
The first is designed for kids. There’s no question that we’re living through historic times, and as an historian, I know how important it is to have primary documents–journals, letters, and that sort of thing.
COVID-19 Quarantine Journal
I designed My COVID-19 Quarantine Journal for kids to keep a guided journal during self-isolation. You can download it as a PDF and print as many as you need. I included daily pages for 30 days. (Optimistic? Maybe.)
[ddownload id=”505″ text=”Download the COVID-19 Journal”]
Quarantine KonMari Checklist
The second is designed for adults who might be inclined to work on decluttering while we’re all stuck at home. I know I’ve been noticing my clutter more, since it’s sometimes affecting my ability to work from home (for my day job). The clutter has also making it difficult to find things I always said I was work on “when I have time.”
Well, time has been pretty much forced on us now, hasn’t it? So I’m trying to get to some of those “someday maybe” projects…when I can find them! So the second download I made is a printable KonMari checklist.
[ddownload id=”506″ text=”Download the KonMari Checklist”]
I love the KonMari method, but I know it isn’t for everyone. Even if you don’t ask yourself if every item sparks joy, this list can at least get you thinking about all the crazy places clutter collects in our houses.
Other Quarantine Resources
By the way, f you aren’t a KonMari fan, Kendra Adachi (aka The Lazy Genius) has a fantastic ebook called The Swap that I purchased a while back. It gave me a different way of thinking about a problem I had with my work setup. It resulted in my ditching a guest bed and radically overhauling my bedroom and home office (for Etsy).
Kendra also has a fantastic blog post called A Lazy Genius Survival Guide: Quarantine. It has lots of good resources and suggestions. (I admit it, I’m a Lazy Genius fangirl. I don’t listen to a lot of podcasts, but I never miss this one.)
I’ll be adding these files to the downloads page soon. If you have any requests for resources that would help you, I’m open to suggestions and happy to help!
And please stay home and stay healthy. Let me know how you’re doing in the comments.